Friday 20 August 2010

Why do we enter politics in the first place?

As I have illuded in previous blog posts, I am a seasoned Student Union Politician. But thinking back, it began before University, before UDSU and certainly before NUS.

I had completely forgotten my time spent as a rep on the sixth form council at Friesland back in 2003/2004. It was a single 1 year term but it bore the foundations and the basis to my student politics career.

I believe I have also illuded to the troubled time in 2009, when I was almost on the verge of resigning my UDSU office. Well a few close friends and the UDSU president helped me to realise why I became a Union Officer and why I entered into politics in the first place.

I was told back then basically that I needed to be the calm level headed "cool cat" for the disabled students. The nail had been hit right on the head there. I was there to lead and represent the disabled students.

I entered into student politics and political activism aswell, to serve and work with my community. I quite famously said that its not about what I can get out of UDSU, its about what I can give back.

As I await my council selection interview, I bear the same ideology in mind. I want to educate and engage the next generation of voters.

Thats why im a Tory activist and politician!

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