Monday 9 August 2010

U Turn if you want to...

But the party is not for turning...

Cliche, as it may be, it is one of Maggie's most famous and iconic speeches. It is also a phrase that has been used and paraphrased by Tory's for many years and will be for many years to come.

In this instance, however, I would like to apply it to the milk fiasco. Now I have read many different political commentary blogs this morning, from the great Iain Dale, John Redwood and Guido Fawkes to the inclusive Conservative Home. They all seek to mention the so called "milk snatching" apparent "U-Turn" of yesterday.

Having done my own research into the Milk Snatching fiasco, I am inclined to agree with John Redwood in the fact that all three parties that have shared power at some point between 1968 and 2010, have in some way contributed to the removal of free milk in schools, presumably as an economy saving measure.

The media's biased outlook on politics is off on its own little tangent again, as we will now have another history lesson from the world on how bad the Tory's have been in the past. One history lesson that is getting particularly boring. But now we will have to delve into the chapter on Baroness Thatcher removing milk from schools for 5-7 year olds. The world has obviously forgotten or just conveniently overlooked the fact that Edward Short, in 1968, was the first education minister to remove free milk for 11-18 year olds. Edward Short was a Labour minister.

This all stems from a policy that was being mooted around the cabinet office at junior level, but was subsequently dropped.

Which brings me back to my original point... Discussing a policy and then subsequently dropping it in favor of something better is not doing a so called Policy U-turn. Its democracy and common sense.

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