Monday 23 August 2010

Society, Society, Society!

In the wake of the Coalition Government's 100 Day point, do we need to bolster the Big Society Agenda in the Constituencies and in our council's?

As I am preparing for my Council Selection Interview, I think what is it that I want to do and achieve, if I am selected and elected?

This may sound very political and buzz wordy... But can we really get young people to engage in politics? Can we really get the Youth of today interested in Politics? The answer is... YES WE CAN!

I have described before the time that I was engaging 16 year old girls in conversations about politics and government.

and Now for the buzz word... Co-producer...

I have a vision to get the society actively participating and engaging in politics and co-producing their local government. and to get Young People in particular engaging in politics and co-producing in society.

I believe, whole heartedly, that the young people of this country, the young people of this constituency and the young people of this borough are the future of the country, similarly, the young people of the conservative party are the future of the party and the future of politics as we know it.

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