Monday 23 August 2010


My oppinion of the unemployed state of this country has altered somewhat in recent weeks. The majority of the country would blame migrant workers for unemployment.

I personally would blame the elitest attitude of the british middle classes for the migrant workers. So in fact it was the fault of the unemployed. Therefore coalition's welfare reform policy of cutting benefits if the recipiant turns down work, gets my full backing.

But the unemployed population of this country get a little more sympathy. I recently went for a job interview. Out of 6 candidates 4 were in employment. The successful candidate was one of the employed candidates. I ask you, if we give jobs to people who already have jobs, how do we reduce unemployment?

Graduates are finding it increasingly more difficult to gain employment to suit their skills. But what is the answer?

We simply need to stop giving jobs to people who already have jobs.

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