Monday 9 August 2010

Political Education...

If we don't actually teach politics as a curricular subject, how and when do we teach it?

History would appear to be the common one. But is that with the war and conflict link? However, there is a political link to most historical events...

Citizenship, where it is explicitly taught is another common one, with a little inclusion in PSHCE.

Then at post 16 level, there may be a little politics wedged, implicitly, into sociology and within the cultural and social domain papers in general studies.

I fully believe that we need to be educating our children about politics to ensure that the next generation first time voters are a voting generation.

Obviously my priority is to gain as many conservative votes as possible, but my message on may 5th was go out and use your vote, regardless.

To continue that message, we need to get the next generation to believe in politics and vote!

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