About Me

My name is Richard Harris. I am an IT technician, a Disabled Rights Activist and a Conservative Party Activist. For those of you who don't know me very well, I am also an avid life long Leeds United Fan.

Conservative Future
I am a member of the Erewash Conservative Association, Chairman of the Erewash Conservative Future Branch and the Prospective Area Chairman for Derbyshire. I am also a member of Conservative Way Forward. In the lead up to the 2010 General Election, I was campaigning and working for Conservative PPC's in five different constituencies. The hard work paid off in the end however, as three of them got elected and all three were newly elected MP's, in Mid Derbyshire, High Peak and of course in my home constituency of Erewash.

I joined the Conservative Party in June 2009. Since then I have co-founded and co-chaired two joint CF branches in and around Derby and Mid Derbyshire, and then founded and chaired the Erewash CF branch. I have held the position of Deputy Area Chairman and Acting Area Chairman in Derbyshire and now await ratification on the Area Chairman position.

I have often been asked, "Where do you stand in the Party?" The truth is, I have mixed views on all sorts of things, but I would put myself more or less in line with Hague on most things, such as foreign policy and europe etc, but economically I am more in line with Thatcher. I am more right than Cameron, but I think he has the social policy bang on.

I have often been criticized for being a liberation activist and a Tory activist at the same time. The truth is that IDS has the welfare system exactly right in my opinion. I used to run my disabled students campaign to the philosophy that I would help anybody at all, as long as they were prepared to help themselves.


I have extensive experience in educational ICT support and the support of disabled ICT users.


I am bloging as DysabledTory in a personal capacity. For news and views from Erewash Conservative Future visit Erewash CF and for news and views from Derbyshire Conservative Future visit Derbyshire CF