Wednesday 18 May 2011

Ken Clarke, offensive or just Ken being Ken?

Right, I have listened back to this interview this afternoon.

When I first read a facebook post regarding this, I automatically thought of James Chick... "If you're gonna get raped, you're gonna get raped..."

Now I like Ken Clarke, I think he is a wonderful MP and a loyal Conservative who sticks to his beleif's... But lets face it, he's never been the most tactful person on the planet.

Now any who knows me will know that I am a committed Liberation activist. I campaigned on womens issues and LGBT issues and black students issues as well as the issues within my own breif.

Now my degree is in Computer Networks & Enterprise Management, NOT LAW. But I have spent a long time with enough law students and heard them discussing their course material. Now I have enough common sense to know that each case needs to be judged and convicted upon its own merrit and under its own circumstances.

If the comments that I have heard from varying people throughout the day had been taken upon a purely legal/moral stance, then I would be in complete agreement and I would have been perfectly willing to discuss this in more depth. The fact is that Ken Clarke has made comments and backed them up soundly with his own experience as a lawyer. WHY is rape brought up? His claims were we will shorten sentences for people who plead guilty. Why do we need to add the phrase, INCLUDING RAPISTS?

Has it not always been the case that the courts are more leaniant on criminals who plead guilty?

Now recently I have not made any secrets about my feelings towards the National union of students. The only area of NUS that I have any time or respect for anymore is infact the liberation and the welfare sections, because they are the only area of NUS with the moral objective that a Union should hold, that being to protect its members. But in this case the very fact that the NUS womens campaign are calling for people to email the Prime Minister and call for ken Clarke to be sacked is just typically NUS.

Ken Clarke was just being Ken Clarke and I'm afraid you would be loosing a damn good politician by calling for his head.

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