Wednesday 26 January 2011

morality or philosophy?

I may well be a Tory activist and many people have tried to tell me that I cannot be a Tory activist and a liberation activist at the same time.

I had put this ideological philosophy battle to bed in the summer when I detailed my view point on this blog. However I feel in the wake of the Andy Gray sexism row, I am in a position to comment again.

I know that my personal brief was centered around disability equality, but I worked extremely closely with the womens'campaign and the LGBT campaign and I campaigned along side them on womens issues and on LGBT issues and as such I am fully behind the Sky Sports decision to fire Gray.

The world is evolving, and the game of football must change with it. I happen to know many female football oficials, who are extremely competant officials. If Sian Massey has been given the chance to officiate at a premier league fixture, she must have satisfied the FA standards.

Whether Gray made the comments on air or off air, he still holds the views and the views are wholey unacceptable.

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