Wednesday 28 July 2010

Benefits or Employability?

A few weeks after the 2010 UDSU Sabbatical Elections, I was asked a political/welfare question.

Is it more important to support those who can work, but don't, back into work or pay the benefits to those who can't work?

Well with much deliberation I returned the answer, and I'm sure many of my colleagues to the centre right would agree, that it is equally important to do both, but it is more of a priority to people who are out of work, but can work, back into employment. The proceeds of the income tax that these people pay back to the state, will ease the financial pressure of the benefits paid to those who cannot work.

This question, of course refers to the Perkins report, and has provoked many debates through my campaign over the past few months.

Funnily enough, it was the only issue that provoked cross party debate and agreement within UDSU.

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