Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Road to Recovery

Yesterday’s figures are a double dose of good news for the British economy.
The economy is growing strongly – the strongest growth in this part of the year for ten years. And Britain’s credit rating has been secured, after it had been put at risk by the previous Government.

In an uncertain global economy this will help to underpin confidence in the recovery. And it is a vote of confidence in the Coalition Government’s economic policy.

If we listened to Labour, our debt would be almost £100 billion higher by the end of the Parliament and we would be paying £4 billion more in debt interest alone by the time of the next election money that goes to foreign creditors to help pay for their schools and hospitals rather than our own. Their approach would take us back to the brink of bankruptcy that would mean less growth, less investment and fewer jobs.

Business Leaders across Great Britain have already backed the Coalitions economic policy, its high time that society started to do the same thing. After all this deficit is Labour's Legacy, why are we being punished for it?

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Erewash Conservative Association Annual Dinner

Last night I was deeply honoured and priveledged to be present at the first ECA Annual Dinner in 13 years with a sitting conservative MP.

It was indeed a great occasion with speakers Jessica Lee MP, Member of parliament for Erewash and John Hayes MP, Minister of State for further Education, Skills & lifelong learning.

Our hosts, Cllr. Geoffery Smith, Assoc. Chairman, Mrs. Annette Noskwith CBE. Associaton President and Cllr. Robert Parkinson BSc, His worship the Mayor, welcomed guests warmly and Cllr. Smith ended the evening with a rousing speech welcoming the new council candidates.

All in all a great evening and a proud night in my conservative career.